01 Feb

Although presentation and public speaking is not usually a requirement in many career entry points, self-confidence and good presentation skills can give an individual a cutting edge. A presentation is a skill that can be used in many scenarios. When used effectively, this skill can prove to be a powerful motivational, training or sales representation skill. Although there are people who are confident and eloquent from a young age, this skill has to be polished or acquired through proper training. This article will look at some attributes of effective presentation. 

Needless to say, the first step of an effective presentation is the writing of your speech. The speech can be composed in full or can be used to capture the main points. A good speech should be coherent, relevant to the target audience and easy to understand. Thereafter, the individual will be trained in presenting his or her material in the most appropriate format. For instance, many presentations are done using power point. The presenter must know how to design and present his or her material to their target audience. 

The other vital part of the training would be coaching an individual on how to present their speech. Many people are nervous to speak in front of an audience regardless of how small or big the audience is. In the process of training, such persons are given an opportunity to speak in front of an audience such as the class in order to tame their nerves. A good place to start is to focus on the benefits of the message as opposed to the reaction of the audience. It is important for the speaker to focus on the benefit that his or her target audience stands to gain from the message they are presenting as a way of suppressing their anxiety. One of the best way through which you have actually been provided with an ability to improve your own representation skills is through visiting the MOXiE Institute 

Public speaking or presentation involves capturing the audience and keeping them focused on the message at hand. Many people will start their presentation with an interesting story that will keep the audience curious more about the rest of the message. As one is presenting their speech, they can occasionally stop to ask the audience a question to boost their attention and to make them be more alert. Public speaking and presentation entail confidence on the side of the presenter. A presenter should not shy off from having eye contact with the audience. 

During a presentation, the presenter's whole body should be involved. The presenter should not be static, instead should use hand gestures and movement as they give their presentation. The most important part of the presentation is the facial expression. Unless the presentation is delivering bad news, the presenter should ensure they smile with the audience and maintain eye contact.

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